Does support markdown?

Photo by Markus Winkler on

If you are a writer or a blogger, you might have heard of Markdown. Markdown is a simple way to write and format content using plain text and punctuation marks. You can create headings, lists, links, images, and more with just a few characters.

But does support Markdown? The answer is yes, but you need to enable it first.

In this post, I will show you how to use Markdown in and why you might want to try it.
The Markdown logo

What is Markdown and why use it?

Markdown is a plain-text syntax created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz in 2004. It is designed to be easy to read and write, and to be converted into HTML by a software tool.,_2009-08-18.jpg
Aaron Swartz

Markdown has many advantages for writers and bloggers:

  • It lets you focus on the content rather than the appearance. You don’t have to worry about fonts, colors, alignments, or other formatting options that can distract you from your message.
  • It is portable and compatible. You can write Markdown in any text editor or app and use it on any platform or device. You can also copy and paste Markdown from one place to another without losing the formatting.
  • It is fast and efficient. You can write Markdown with just your keyboard, without using your mouse or menus. You can also use shortcuts and symbols that are easy to remember and type.
  • It is clean and consistent. You don’t have to deal with messy HTML tags or code that can break your layout or cause errors. You also don’t have to worry about different styles or themes that can change how your content looks.

How to use Markdown in

There are two ways to use Markdown in

  • You can use a Markdown block in the editor. The Markdown block allows you to write content using Markdown syntax and preview it in real time. You can also convert existing content into Markdown format.
  • You can enable Markdown for your site in the Writing Settings in This will allow you to use Markdown for all your posts, pages, and comments. You can also customize how Markdown works for your site.

Let’s see how each method works…

Using the Markdown block

You can add the Markdown block to your posts and pages in the editor. It lets you write content using Markdown syntax and see how it looks in the preview tab.

type /markdown and hit enter

To add a Markdown block, click the + icon or type /markdown and hit enter in a new paragraph block. You will see a blank block with two tabs: Markdown and Preview.

In the Markdown tab, you can write your content using Markdown syntax. You can refer to this cheat sheet for a quick syntax reference.

In the WordPress Preview tab, you can see your content’s appearance when published. Note that the actual appearance may vary depending on the styles added by your theme.

The Markdown block follows the CommonMark spec for formatting styles and links.

The documentation claims that you can convert an existing block into a Markdown block by clicking the three dots icon and selecting “Convert to Markdown.” However, when I tested this feature, that option wasn’t available.

Using the Writing Settings

If you want to use Markdown for all your site posts, pages, and comments, you must enable this feature.

To do this, open the WordPress dashboard for your site and go to Settings → Writing. Under Composing, enable the Write posts or pages in plain text markdown syntax option. Click Save Settings.

Now you can write your content using Markdown syntax in any text editor or app and paste it into the editor. It will automatically be converted into HTML when published.


Markdown is a great way to write and format content using plain text and punctuation marks. It benefits writers and bloggers who want to focus on their message rather than appearance. supports Markdown through the markdown block and the writing settings. You can choose whichever method suits your needs and preferences.

If you want to learn more about Markdown, you can check out these resources:

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